MITs, Will you Go to BBYO With Me?

January 15, 2021
Anna Warshaw

Pineville, North Carolina, United States

Class of 2022

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We were all prospects once. Constantly receiving messages about this organization called BBYO, attending events directed at recruiting, and taking that big brave step of trying something new; all part of the reason why we’re here and why our order is still running strong after almost 100 years. New members are the foundation of our chapters. They are essential to building our future and recruitment is crucial to that success. To achieve membership, Morim across the order uses MRIHA, a 5-steps plan designed to successfully recruit members. MRIHA stands for Meet, Record, Invite, Host, and Ask. Typically, this plan includes an extensive amount of in-person activities, however, Morim have to try new methods this year.

Despite the restrictions and unexpectedness that came with the pandemic, the board of Ohavim BBG #418 from Eastern: North Carolina Council has been hard at work making sure they continue to go above and beyond and stand out in their duties. The virus has not stopped their chapter from thriving just as much as it has in previous years. Since our typical prospect events, such as Fall Fest and 45/45, can’t be held, membership has been more of a challenge for Morah, Avi Kosofsky. Avi has been working tirelessly texting MITS/prospects and inviting them to programs, but she and the rest of the board felt it wasn’t enough.

“During quarantine we all were isolated and of course we have birthday shoutouts and insta posts,” she said, “but that’s not always emotionally satisfying.” The board got together and discussed what they could do to make their new member experience better and a new idea was created: MITposals.

Everyone fell in love with the idea and instantly jumped in to help plan the first one. For these MITposals, the board designed prom-style posters specific to an interest they have and surprised prospects by asking them to join Ohavim! So far, Avi has surprised two girls: both successful!    

S’ganit Joey Effren, Morah Avi Kosofsky, Sh’licha Daria Lapidot-Boaz, and N’siah Anya Dippold surprise New Member Rachel Rubin with a poster, goodies, and her favorite ice cream from a local parlor.

“I feel like MITposals in Ohavim made prospects more excited to join and showed girls who were nervous to try it out and give Ohavim a shot!” Avi said. She encourages other chapters to try it too! Creating these invitations has given the chapter a unique opportunity to showcase their sisterhood despite being restricted by distance and a mask.

Since the beginning of the term, Ohavim has gained tons of new members and reached a huge milestone of 50 members! Avi feels that because of MITposals, members feel more connected to their new sisters, and our chapter has seen just that. Even though we are living through unusual times, program attendance is peaking and nothing is stopping Ohavim from flourishing.

Anna Warshaw is a BBG from Eastern: North Carolina Council and loves to bake, spend time with her friends, and work at her job as a Junior Martial Arts instructor.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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