בריאות, רווחה והכלה

שמירה על בטיחות הקהילה שלנו

כארגון עולמי המשרת נוער, BBYO נותן עדיפות לבריאותם ולרווחתם של בני הנוער, אנשי המקצוע, המתנדבים והקהילה שלנו.

תמיכה בבריאות הנפש

IC has a team of Wellness Specialists who help teens with mental health and emotional needs. Wellness Specialists can be found throughout convention and can be accessed by request through IC staff. BBYO teens who have been trained in teen Mental Health First Aid will also be available throughout the convention.

Teens are trained in how to recognize and respond to their peers dealing with a mental health challenge and helping connect them to a safe adult.

All BBYO staff are trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid and Healthy Relationships. Staff are equipped to recognize mental health challenges and connect teens to the appropriate support.

The more information BBYO staff have in advance the better able we are to help support your teen. To speak to a BBYO professional about any mental, emotional, or social health considerations in advance please contact BBYO’s Senior Director of Wellness and Inclusion Ari Handel.

תמיכה בבריאות פיזית

IC has an onsite Medical Center staffed by nurses and doctors. Staff are available for onsite needs and to determine if a teen needs to see an additional medical professional offsite. The Medical Center will have some over-the-counter medications for unexpected needs, but if a participant requires daily medications, they will be responsible for managing that independently.

What Happens If a Delegate Gets Sick at IC? 

IC hosts a medical team of professional nurses, mental health professionals, and doctors onsite. If a delegate requires medical attention, an IC staff member can assist them in contacting a member of the Medical Team.

In case of an emergency, BBYO will utilize the nearest hospital. If additional information or out-of-hotel medical services are needed, a member of the IC Leadership Team will contact the delegate's parent or guardian.

How Do I Get In Touch with Someone at IC? 

If there is an emergency during IC, parents are encouraged to call the IC Hotline at 1-800-421-9843.

The IC office will be fully staffed from 8:00 AM through 10:00 PM ET every day. While our office team will be working until late at night, should you get our voicemail in the evening, please leave a message. We’ll be checking messages frequently and will get back to you as soon as possible.

תמיכה בהכללה

If a participant would benefit from additional support, arrangements need to be discussed by November 20, 2024. Any specific or individualized needs must be arranged through BBYO’s Senior Director of Wellness and Inclusion Ari Handel.

General Expectations & Things to Know

Attending IC can be an exciting and enriching experience, offering teens a unique opportunity to meet new people, engage in interactive sessions, and gain new perspectives. It’s important to understand the logistical aspects of attending an immersive experience like IC to ensure a smooth experience. Here are some general tips and insights to ensure delegates arrive at the convention with clear and realistic expectations.

  • Teens travelling to IC are expected to be able to navigate an airport on their own.
  • At IC, teens are not permitted to go back to their rooms until programming is over, which typically does not end until later in the evening.
  • Teens eat their meals in one large banquet room together. We expect approximately 4,000 teens and staff in one room for most meals.
  • Teens are responsible for their own medications at IC. The Medical Center will have some over-the-counter medications for unexpected needs, but if a participant requires daily medications, they will be responsible for managing that independently. Participants may bring their own over-the-counter medications with them to IC.
  • Quiet rooms will be available to delegates throughout the day, offering a serene space for relaxation and stress reduction. IC is a busy event filled with constant activity and interaction. Quiet rooms allow participants to step away from the bustle of convention, offering a peaceful retreat for those needing a break from social interactions.
  • We encourage participants to be mindful of the altitude changes and time zone adjustments when attending IC in Denver, as these factors can impact energy levels and schedule adjustments.

ציפיות המשתתפים

As a reminder, delegates have signed a Code of Conduct and Community Standards agreement upon registering for BBYO membership. This indicates their full understanding of BBYO’s behavioral expectations. Should a delegate choose to act outside of the Code of Conduct, the incident will be addressed by appropriate staff members.

BBYO has a zero-tolerance approach to any violation of the Code of Conduct and any disciplinary matter that comes to the attention of IC staff. If a delegate is dismissed from IC for disciplinary reasons or Code of Conduct violations, BBYO will arrange for travel home immediately, at the delegate’s expense and without a refund.

The most common Code of Conduct violations and consequences can be found here.

מדיניות חיסוני IC

As part of the registration process for any overnight program, including IC, families will be asked to confirm that their teens have been vaccinated for childhood vaccines. BBYO’s most updated immunization policy, effective August 2024, can be found here.

מדיניות שפעת (שפעת)

Vaccination: All those who are in attendance at BBYO overnight experiences are highly recommended to receive a yearly flu vaccination.   

Testing at International Overnight Programs: BBYO will test individuals that present with flu-like symptoms. A refusal to test warrants an automatic removal from the program.

Testing Positive at International Overnight Programs: Individuals that test positive for the flu at a BBYO overnight event will immediately be placed in isolation for 48 hours. To be released from isolation, participant must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine and illness must be in the resolution phase. If a teen remains symptomatic after 48 hours, arrangements will be made for the teen to go home.

If You’ve Contracted the Flu Before an Event: Participants who contracted the flu prior to an event will be eligible to participate but must have been fever-free without using fever-reducing medications for 24 hours and symptoms must be in the resolution phase.

Strep Throat Policy

Testing at International Overnight Programs: Participants that present with throat pain or Streptococcus (strep throat) like symptoms will be tested. Refusal to test warrants automatic removal of the program.

Testing Positive at Overnight Programs: Individuals that test positive for strep throat at a BBYO overnight event will be immediately placed in isolation. The medical team will promptly coordinate an appointment with a medical professional. Staff and teens may return to programming 24 hours after their fever has resolved, without fever-reducing medication and completion of the first 12-24 hours of antibiotic therapy (based on medication prescribed).

If You’ve Contracted Strep Throat Before an Event: Participants who have contracted strep throat prior to an event will be eligible to participate in all BBYO events but must have been fever-free free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and must have completed the first 12-24 hours of antibiotic therapy (based on medication prescribed).

מדיניות COVID-19

Vaccination: It is highly suggested that those who attend BBYO overnight experiences receive an updated COVID vaccine.

Testing For International Overnight Programs:
BBYO will test individuals that present with COVID-like symptoms. Refusal to test warrants automatic removal of the program.

Testing Positive at International Overnight Programs:
Individuals that test positive for COVID at a BBYO overnight event will immediately be placed in isolation for 48 hours. To be released from isolation, participant must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine and illness must be in the resolution phase. If a teen remains symptomatic after 48 hours, arrangements will be made for the teen to go home.

If You’ve Contracted COVID Before an Event: Participants who contracted COVID before an event will be eligible to participate but must remain fever-free without fever-reducing medications for 24 hours, and symptoms must be in the resolution phase.