New Member Weekend Two Years Later

November 27, 2023
Emily Schenkel

Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Class of 2024

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New Member Weekend is that first convention experience that builds upon your BBYO journey, teaching you all about BBYO and beginning to bond with other teens throughout your region. I attended New Member Weekend as a sophomore two years ago, and my BBYO life and experiences are forever shaped by those three days surrounded by fellow new members and trainers. During the weekend, I made some amazing friends, who I still talk to every day, while experiencing BBYO and BBG traditions that will forever be in my heart. I got to learn so much about this incredible organization that I have called my heart and home ever since that weekend. During this convention and the short time around it, I was inspired to stay in BBYO to continue to meet more people throughout my chapter, region, and the Order that I would have never been able to meet without BBYO. BBYO has always been a place, from that beginning period to now, for me to feel at home and inspired by every program and moment spent with everyone surrounding me, My New Member Weekend experience was so special because of those connections I made and the fact that I am walking into my senior year along with the same faces I met for the first time that weekend. I honestly believe that without going to New Member Weekend when I did, I wouldn’t have wanted to branch out as much in BBYO or in my life in general. New Member Weekend taught me a lot about BBYO, but also about confidence and friendship.

In just a few days, I will be attending New Member Weekend again, but as a trainer. I couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to impact younger BBGs and make them fall in love with this Movement, just like I did. During this year's New Member Weekend, I got to plan and will be leading a cloud-watching limmud for everyone to relax and focus on what's going on in the moment because BBYO is all about being in the moment. Along with that, I will be helping to lead BBG inductions, one of the most special moments for every BBG. Additionally, I cannot wait to bond with my cabin with icebreakers, games, and BBG traditions. I hope that every new member can take away new bonds that cannot be separated by any distance and that they will be able to connect more to BBYO and love it more and more by the minute. Something so special about conventions is the time in between when you are anticipating the next time you will get to see the best friends that you met, and I hope everyone has those moments post-convention. If every member at New Member Weekend is able to find something new about BBYO that they love and connect to, our Order will not only become stronger, but it will have more love and excitement.

Emily Schenkel is a BBG in Charlotte, North Carolina, who loves exploring her creativity through her face painting business, creative writing, and art.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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