The Connection Of IC

May 2, 2024
Gabby Hasko

Wayzata, Minnesota, United States

Class of 2025

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For someone who had never been to a convention before, IC 2024 was an eye-opening event. From the people I met to activities that I did, it was a life-changing experience.

I traveled on a BBYO passport trip this past summer and couldn’t have been happier to see all of my friends at the convention this past winter. There were many who I hadn’t seen since July, and I will always remember hugging them as I pulled my luggage into the hotel. Along with seeing my friends, I had never seen so many Jewish people in one setting. It was shocking that as I looked around at all of the different people, there was this feeling of connection to our Judaism. It was so easy to go up and meet new people as we already had something in common and could talk about our different upbringings in BBYO and what led us to IC. I’ve never been one to just go up and start conversations with people, but I knew that I could talk to just about anyone about being Jewish.

The most memorable experience I took away from IC was the opening ceremony. I stood for the first time with all of the Mid-America Region, ready to get into the show. I met people I had only ever heard stories about and got to put names to faces of teens in my region. Once we all entered the main hall, I knew it was going to be an incredible time. As the regions piled in, I couldn’t help but stare at the world of Jewish people in the room with me. I had never felt so safe and proud to be Jewish, along with feeling beyond grateful to be a member of BBYO.

As the night rolled on, I had a blast seeing old friends, hearing impactful speakers, and cheering as loud as I could when MAR: Northstar Council got its shoutout. The night ended with a performance from Flo Rida, and this concert was one of the most amazing shows I’ve ever seen. Getting to sing and dance the night away with all of my Jewish friends was unlike anything I’d been a part of before. My favorite moment was when he sang “Club Can’t Handle Me Right Now” because that is a song I hold close to me, and I got to scream it while being the proudest Jewish person I'd ever been.

The rest of the week lived up to the hype. From attending international elections to hearing Ross Lynch speak live, I would consider IC one of the most impactful experiences I’ve ever had. This convention has had such an impact on the legacy I want to leave in BBYO, and I can’t wait to continue it at SRC this year and beyond.

Gabby Hasko is a BBG living in Wayzata, Minnesota and her favorite food is sushi.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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