What To Look For When Touring A College Campus

January 11, 2024
Becky Machlovitz

Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Class of 2025

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When touring a college campus for the first time, it can be hard to know what to look for and what you should take away from your visit. Here are some helpful tips to make the most of your tour. You’re going to spend a few years at college, so it’s best to try to pick the right one that fits what you're looking for, who you are, and who you want to be.

1. Size: The number of students at different colleges can vary from school to school. Some colleges might only have a few thousand students, and other colleges can have tens of thousands of students. It’s important to think about not only how big the campus is (it could take a long time to get from one class to another) but also how big each class size might be. Some students thrive in smaller classes, while others might prefer a large campus environment.  


2. Surrounding City: Each campus is located in a unique city and can have a different feel. For instance, some people might like NYU because it is located in a very dense and fast-paced part of New York City. On the other hand, some people might like Indiana University, which is located in a more rural area and has a more laid-back feel because it is in a small college town. It is important to feel comfortable in the city where you will spend your college years. 


3. Student Interactions: One of the things that was very important to me when I toured my first college campus was to see how students interacted with each other. I wanted to see if students sat, ate, and studied together. Campus size could affect student interactions. If the campus is very large, you might not see familiar faces often, and you might not be able to say a quick hello as you walk from class to class. If the campus is small, there could be less places to hang out because your favorite spots are already claimed.


4. School Spirit: When choosing a college, some may look for good sports or school pride. When I was on a college tour once, I saw a parade that included a band, cheerleaders, and dancers on their way to a football game. Along their route, there were hundreds of students singing the music and dancing. It was so beneficial for me to see the school spirit. I enjoyed watching all of the students get so excited about the upcoming football game. 

5. Right Fit: I believe finding the right school that fits YOU is most important. Each school has similar courses, resources, and opportunities. When choosing a college that you will spend a few years at, it’s important to try to identify how well you will fit in, perform, and benefit from what the school offers. Choosing the right school for YOU can create lifelong memories and start you on your career path. 

Becky Machlovitz is a BBG living in Boca Raton, Florida and is a competitive dancer!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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